Sofie is creating a membership community of collaborative men and women of business in England and around the World. Owners who are Publication Members can access all of our publications, podcasts and videos.
In this Age of Corona business ethics are going to be fundamental. Our publications are designed to support you and help you engage with other business owners who face the same challenges that you do.
In the World of Large Corporations, State Agencies and Supra-National Agencies wrongdoing by those organisations can seemingly appear unstoppable and as a business owner you may feel powerless. But these organisations can only operate through men and woman and if harm, loss, injury or fraud to your person or property is caused after they are put on notice you may have a remedy against those individuals in their personal capacity.
Grass Roots Action
Here you can access a copy of the Open Letter of Complaint sent to the Senior Partner of a a GP Surgery in Chipping Campden and copied to relevant Regulators. The first attachment to that letter is from the website communications with the Surgery. These show the Doctor's ignorance of the experimental nature of the drugs being pushed on us. Like an abusive partner the State refuses to take no for an answer and uses the busy, the innocent and the frightened to do their dirty work. We have come to learn that deceit and deception are employed at every turn.
But there are safe and effective treatments and drugs which are being hidden from us. Here is a link to Home-Based Covid-Treatment written by expert and caring US Physicians. You, your family and your employees need to know about this.
For those wanting to know more about what lies behind this madness and stupidity, please become a member of Sofie. Before you do start by watching the Everyman Chronicles.
Building our New Jerusalem
We hear endlessly from our political leaders around the World about how their agenda is to Build Back Better. For a different take on where we are, how we got here and how we need to get out of the mess we are in please have a read of our New Jerusalem Thinking.
"We are the ones" as the Hopi Elders teach. So please do come along to a Sofie event starting with the 1845 Supper Club and check us out. That New Jerusalem is going to take some building and the World needs as much help as possible to make sure we get there in double quick time. Team work makes the dream work and there is no better team than your fellow business owners.